Value & Installation
Some granite does not respond well to sculpting. Other stone may not really be granite at all and does not weather well over time. Inferior stone can become discolored and “mossy.” Knowing what to look for is important in shopping for a memorial. Here are some other pointers to help you in your search for a monument dealer. BUYER BEWARE! Just like shopping for a fine diamond, all is not what it seems when shopping for memorials.
Comparative Value:
No matter what your cemetery or where your lot is located, you can purchase your memorial at ANY monument dealer. Don’t feel pressured to make your purchase from your cemetery. Fred Donatelli & Son Cemetery Memorials is proud to offer you the experience of four generations and a fine history of expert craftsmanship. We stock only the best quality when is comes to granite. Our “Rock of Ages” line, from preferred and world renowned quarries in Vermont, is considered “top of the line.” It is one of the hardest materials found in nature. Its unique color remains true and is timeless; Inscriptions and carvings utilizing “Rock of Ages” granite will endure for centuries.
A distinctive memorial need not be expensive. Our prices are competitive; our reliability and skill make the difference. We believe in quality and fine, old world craftsmanship. And we remind all of our customers that, as with most purchases, to do your homework and make sure you are getting value for your investment.
As you finalize your memorial selection, your monument or mausoleum order, delivery and installation will be reviewed with you in detail. Standard carving, lettering and installation are included in the cost quoted. Quotes are honored for ninety days as granite prices fluctuate frequently with the market.
Installation Services:
Standard installation is included in the cost of your monument at Fred Donatelli & Son Cemetery Memorials. Most monuments take approximately 6-8 weeks to complete once the order is placed. Installation at the cemetery is based on a variety of factors, including weather, complexity and if the cemetery has completed the foundation work. Generally, memorials are not set during the winter months, as the ground here in the northeast is frozen and makes most monuments close to impossible to install.
We advise our customers to plan well in advance so their monument is complete and installed for special occasions, such as Memorial Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Veterans Day, Labor Day or a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion. We are also familiar with all religious traditions regarding burial obligations. At Fred Donatelli & Son Cemetery Memorials, we will do our best to meet your deadline and installation needs.
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